After you visit Hope and decide to make it your church home, we look forward to helping you connect and grow with the rest of your Hope family. A great place to start is by attending Growth Track: Church 101, offered in January, May and September each year. This seminar gives you a brief overview of who we are, what the vision of the church is and what we believe. It is here that you can decide if you would like to become a member of Hope.
Additionally, we offer quarterly seminars on spiritual development and disciplines (Growth Track: Essentials 201), discovering our spiritual gifts and abilities (Growth Track: Discovery 301) and using our gifts in service in and through the ministries of Hope (Growth Track: Dream Team 401).
Finally, there are many other special events, social get-togethers, family activities, and small groups that take place throughout the year. For more information regarding all of the events at Hope, please visit our online Calendar.